Web Hosting Detector
Ever wondered which web hosting is this site using?
Have you ever wondered ‘who is hosting this website?’ While browsing you must have come across a website that loaded super fast and want to know which web host the site is using?
Just enter the URL above. Our tool will analyze the website and detect web hosting for you.
How do we detect website hosting?
Our algorithm analyzes the DNS records and finds the web host.
How accurate are the results?
Our tool is in beta and improving constantly. We analyze and show the most accurate result possible. Sometimes, hosting for a website is managed by one company, but the servers are owned by a different company. In such a case, we try to show the web host that is managing the website server actually, however detecting such results is difficult and takes a lot of time.
How can this web hosting detector help?
Many times, affiliates claim that they are using a web host while they are actually using another one for affiliate commissions. Our tool will show you the original web host.
Your results are not correct, where can I report?
Awesome we are always trying to improve our tool. If you think we showed an inaccurate result, you can help us by sending us a message here.